Low-Pass Filtering SGD for Recovering Flat Optima in the Deep Learning Optimization Landscape
Devansh Bisla, Jing Wang, Anna Choromanska
We study the sharpness of a DL loss landscape around local minima in order to reveal systematic mechanisms underlying the generalization abilities of DL models. Our analysis is performed across varying network and optimizer hyper-parameters, and involves a rich family of different sharpness measures. We derive an optimization algorithm,relying on the low-pass filter (LPF), that actively searches the flat regions in the DL optimization landscape using SGD-like procedure. We empirically show that our algorithm achieves superior generalization performance compared to the common DL training strategies. On the theoretical front we prove that LPF-SGD converges to a better optimal point with smaller generalization error than SGD.
A Theoretical-Empirical Approach to Estimating Sample Complexity of DNNs
Devansh Bisla, Apoorva Nandini, Anna Choromanska
CVPR - TCV, 2021
We focus on understanding how the generalization error scales with the amount of the training data for deep neural networks (DNNs). Existing techniques in statistical learning theory require a computation of capacity measures, such as VC dimension, to provably bound this error. It is however unclear how to extend these measures to DNNs and therefore the existing analyses are applicable to simple neural networks, which are not used in practice. We derive estimates of the generalization error that hold for deep networks and do not rely on unattainable capacity measures. The enabling technique in our approach hinges on two major assumptions: i) the network achieves zero training error, ii) the probability of making an error on a test point is proportional to the distance between this point and its nearest training point in the feature space and at certain maximal distance (that we call radius) it saturates. We show that our estimates match with the experimentally-obtained behavior of the error on multiple learning tasks using benchmark data-sets and realistic models.
VisualBackProp for learning using privileged information with CNNs
We explore the learning using privileged information paradigm and show how to incorporate the privileged information, such as segmentation mask available along with the classification label of each example, into the training stage of convolutional neural networks. This is done by augmenting the CNN model with an architectural component that effectively focuses model’s attention on the desired region of the input image during the training process and that is transparent to the network’s label prediction mechanism at testing. This component effectively corresponds to the visualization strategy for identifying the parts of the input, often referred to as visualization mask, that most contribute to the prediction, yet uses this strategy in reverse to the classical setting in order to enforce the desired visualization mask instead. We verify our proposed algorithms through exhaustive experiments on benchmark ImageNet and PASCAL VOC data sets and achieve improvements in the performance of $2.4\%$ and $2.7\%$ over standard single-supervision model training. Finally, we confirm the effectiveness of our approach on skin lesion classification problem.
Towards Automated Melanoma Detection with Deep Learning: Data Purification and Augmentation
Melanoma is one of ten most common cancers in the US. Early detection is crucial for survival, but often the cancer is diagnosed in the fatal stage. Deep learning has the potential to improve cancer detection rates, but its applicability to melanoma detection is compromised by the limitations of the available skin lesion data bases, which are small, heavily imbalanced, and contain images with occlusions. We build deep-learning-based tools for data purification and augmentation to counter-act these limitations. The developed tools can be utilized in a deep learning system for lesion classification and we show how to build such system. The system heavily relies on the processing unit for removing image occlusions and the data generation unit, based on generative adversarial networks, for populating scarce lesion classes, or equivalently creating virtual patients with pre-defined types of lesions. We empirically verify our approach and show that incorporating these two units into melanoma detection system results in the superior performance over common baselines.
High Frequency Ultrasound Image Segmentation and Analysis
Trained an Active Shape Model to segment brain ventricles of a mouse embryo from its high frequency 3D Ultrasound image. The shape of the brain ventricle was described using a shape context descriptor while principle component analysis was used to generate the model.